seat for pregnant women
Hi mummies. How do u approach strangers for a seats in trains and buses? Do you tap them if they're asleep? Most have headphones on or sleep. How about those with eyes glued on their phones. SG isn't really a friendly place by default. Is there a nice way I can try next time?

Not a lot you can do sadly, priority seats only work if people are considerate but a lot of time people are not. I'd say I was given a seat maybe 20% of the time through my pregnancy. Lots of time they pretend they don't see you. I tried to stand right in front of the seat and shove my bump in their face, also no use 😂. Once in a while other standing people would speak up and ask the sitting person to stand up which I really appreciated. Or sometimes an elderly person not sitting in priority seat would stand up and offer their seat. I don't want to generalise but honestly a lot of youngsters in Singapore are inconsiderate.
Read moreIf they’re asleep, i dont usually bother. So i will instead stand elsewhr and look around for someone to give their seat to me. Ohh n if i spot someone who obviously dun need the reserved seat, i just stand infront of them and sayang2 my bump. It will be obvious for them to notice and eventually give up their seat. Sometimes you just gotta do what u gotta do! 😉
Read moreI was told to give up my priority seat to an elderly uncle in his 70s when I was 9 months pregnant, and the guy sitting just beside me quickly turned his eyes the other way even though he saw me with my big baby bump. Sometimes it really take initiative & consideration, so I feel no point asking if they just don't have.
Read moreMany people just look away and pretend they never see unfortunately. MRT I feel still ok, there was once on bus I had to stand for abt half an hour because people just pretend not to see, no one even bothered when the bus braked suddenly in between & I nearly fell... Sad reality...
when I was pregnant, no one offered their seat to me... maybe bc i look very young. sigh instead of being compassionate, I got stares HAHAHA. once I sat on reserve seat and my tummy showing a bit, got aunty scold me for seating even though I'm clearly pregos
Try to rub your tummy in a very obvious way and rub it many times. Usually only pregnant ladies will rub their tummies so people will know that you are really pregnant. Sadly it doesnt work on secondary school pupils as they just dont care
For my last tri especiallt 35wks onwards, while waiting at platform, i shamelessly just walk to the front of the queue lol. Then go in and straightaway sit in the reserved seating. I was quite big so they usually give up the seat.
Personally I won't tap those asleep but if you really need a seat just ask those who are not asleep, not necessary must be at priority seat. Anyway, rule of thumb, wear body con maternity dress for higher chance of getting a seat.
Me too.. i most of the time i have to stand for like 30-40mins journey.. be it bus or mrt.. There is one ocassion an auntie asked me, "you pregnant ah? " i replied " no lah i do plastic surgery" 😏 🙊😈
Maybe cause I really am larger than usual, I mostly get offered seats on mrt but Bus is a bit tougher. Occasionally have to ask with an “excuse me” but once really had to stand for 15 mins.