Married with my husband coming 2 years. My lo is 15 months old. He is been lying to me that he plays mahjong n working. Lately he never come back home. For the past 2 dats he comes home at 4 plus. I msg him n call him. He doesnt bother to reply. I got so angry. I ask him y r u doing like this. I told him. U r lying. Moreover u leave your wife and lo at home. Whole night waiting for you. He is telling me that i am controlling him. He said he wants his freedom. He doesnt want me and my lo. He wants to file for divource. I ask him. Your wife and lo not important to you. Where is your responsibility I told him that your lo needs to time and love. The reply he give is oh lo cant talk. I dont understand what she want. What the hell. We got in huge argument. This is the 3rd time he hitted me. And i made a police report. n he nt happy abt it. I am so devasted and stressed up that my husband is like that. I told him to change n stop lying. He said just leave me alone and wants to do things his way. What the hell. I told him. Give me the divource paper i will sign. Because he is just good for nothing. I am a working mother. My mother has been looking after my lo when i m working. I am just feeling discusted about everything. What will you do.

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Maybe you want to consider marriage counselling? Here's a link for more info: Hope that helps, take care!!

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Once he hits, it won’t stop :( Leave him to protect yourself and your child. Since he doesn’t involve in taking care of the house and child, his presence doesn’t matter anymore.

No matter what he shouldn’t have hit you. Will support your decision—it’s yours to make. Don’t be influenced by anyone else. Think through it it’s what will make you happy

VIP Member

im sry to hear this. but i think u should leave him. u n ur lo could live a better life w/o him. no pt holding on when he doesnt treasure u anymore. guys wun change one.

Hit you!!!???😳😳😳you have income divorce him!you don’t want your baby to grow up with violent person in the house he doesn’t sound like he deserve you guys

Marriage counselling may help for both of you to share your thoughts.for it to work both parties need to be willing to go and seriously work it out.

U have my full support!!!! My ex Husband use to behave this way. I log a PPO against him and divorce him. I have the care and control of my Son as well.

6y ago

I'm curious how was your life after divorced? is better or 50/50?

Why not try having a heart t heart talk with him and sharing with him how you feel? Could it be that he is overstressed?

He hit you, already losing a respect for a husband. Better divorce because you are not relyin on him anyway. Be strong!

6y ago

I don't think keep getting hit is the solution either..

VIP Member

I acty kind of support u getting a divorce. once a guy hit his wife or even a girl, he's no longer a guy.