15 Replies
Naa never in my life i have seen people doing this till i come to SG😂 as i grew up in small village i have seen they press with warm water no such thing as post natal massage exists 😁
Yes, it works for me as my bm didnt flow on my 1st day. After getting a massage, i woke up with engorged breasts and milk was flowing out
Not really. Drink longan, red dates drink. It help promote BM. And u can massage by urself as well when u are pumping.
Noted from experienced mums and my massage lady that it is useful to prevent blocked milk ducts
Yes its good to have someone who knows how to do it to massage fr you. To prevent engorgement too!
I had really bad engorgement and my masseuse helped clear it! Felt really good thereafter!
Yes, I found that it's good! I did the whole body which includes the breast.
Is not necessary to have post natal massage to improve your milk supply
Yes it’s true It’s to prevent engorgement and it helps with flow
It does help to clear any blocks for smoother milk supply flow