Macam mana kita nak tunjukkan yang kita tak suka bila seseorang tu asyik cakap negatif pasal pregnancy je kat kita?? I dalam dilema sebab husband dia one of my husband’s bff and dia pernah miscarriage 2 kali. So after i pregnant tiap kali kita orang keluar, ada je benda dia nak trigged i. Macam takut2 kan i sebab i pernah gugur sekali sahaja. So this is my second pregnancy with first baby. I benci orang macamni.

so this happens to me where my sister gets involve with my pregnancy.kononnya nak bagi advice to me.and i just told them off. one of my sister is very superstitious and always says "nanti the baby yang kena" and i will give her this look🤨 and tell her "dont sumpah my anak" and my other sister actually said that i dont love my baby because i want to let my mother inlaw who is in philippines to jaga my baby because i plan to work and provide for my child and i told her off by not speaking to her for 1month plus now.🤣 she hates it cz i help her wash her cloths and all since i have nothing to do at home and now i completely ignore her🤣🤣. sometimes u just need to let people know what u dont like. maybe slow talk at first and if they still do it then sindir them in a way and if they still dont get it then tell them to the face. people need to respect ur opinion too😊
Baca lagiXyh jumpa org mcm tu. Sibuk kan diri dgn amalan positif. Sy pn stress... Dgn org sekeliling y suka ckp hal negatif.. xkisah la fmly ke.. jiran ke.. bff ke.. cara sy.. elak dr kerap jumpa. Kalau terjumpa or tpaksa jumpa dgr je nk ckp bnda ngatif sy akn blaa.. n sllu Nya akn ikut hsbnd g kerja... Lg aman. Mujur boleh lepak kt tempat hsband . Sis tabah ya.
Baca lagiseeloknya jauhkan diri dari orang macam ni... kalau tak kata² dia tu buat kita terpikir²... yang penting... negatif thinking u abaikan... benda stress² pun jangan difikirkan sangat...kesian kat baby... bila stress cuba tenangkan diri dan hati... zikir atau apaa... ingat kat baby dalam perut... #IPunDuaKaliGugurDanPregnantKandunganKeTigaBabyFirst
Baca lagiDepends on how u see things.. maybe die kasi nasihat or share her experience psl miscarriage with u.. she may sound negative but i dont think she wants bad things to happen to u.. segalanya psl perspective awk.. jgn tunjuk benci to this person ntah2 one day die yg byk tolong u
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Pernah hadapi.. tp doctor yg ckp first gugur, utk second pregnancy risiko gugur tu ad. Risau sgt masa tu, second pregnancy utk first child pulk.. so sy doa jela kt Allah permudahkn segalanya..
Its okay. Maybe some of you tak ada dalam situation i so maybe you tak faham. Thanks kepada yang faham, dan yang still nak pointing fingers to me like i yang negatif, thanks too. 😉
siss jangan stress sis anggap je dia tuu hanya org yang berkata kosong. ingat baby utk kesihatan baby, abaikan dia
Ignored org yg negatif mcm tu and everytime dia cuba nak ckap2 ape sis potong ayat dia tu n ubah topik lain.
Kalau boleh jauhkan diri dari org yg buatkan puan stress. stress bahaya utk kandungan.
quirky mom of 2