Last week Friday I ask my sis in law to come over my house with my 2 nephews for steamboat as they just stay about 10mins walk away from us , and my mum even offered to go over and help her bring my nephews over since she is alone , but , she rejected cause she said the virus very bad so don’t wanna bring the kids out , ok understand . But den ! Last 2 days I heard from my dad that they are going back Malaysia as my sis in law is from Malaysia cause her father had not since my younger nephew since birth with he is like 2 mths, and u know what ? They hv to take plane and car ride as my sis in law place is far. I’m really pissed off . I ask you come my house steamboat cannot but u go back Malaysia can. When u hv to go airport which is quite dangerous for my 2 nephews also ? And she actually intend to go back on April btw. Am I’m being petty to be angry ?