how to avoid feeling over worried on fetus health
last month i had misscariage..i feel so sad.. but today, i had miss my period, then i check, im positive pregnant.. the question here is, how can i ignore the trauma on my last worried if it will happend again..what should i do to make sure my fetus baby keep growing well.. thanks

Whenever you feel anxious, take a deep breath and say: " dear baby, I love you so much and will take care of you. Please know that you bring happiness to me and your father. Please stay strong and healthy inside" I do that everyime. I had 3 misscarriages before and this helps. And this keeps me calm soon after. Congrats on your pregnancy
Baca lagiemm jangan risau. what is meant to be will be. akak should be thankful you already have kids. setgh orang belum ada lagi baby and are going through multiple miscarriage. like me. eat healthy and gets lots of rest. put all the negative at the back of your mind. and talk to the baby in a positive way. in shaa Allah. takda apa.
Baca lagikita sama 🙋 sy pun mula2 trauma. sy rasa jarak seminggu lebih je sy missc then pregnant lagi.. now dah 9weeks .. awal tu ada la sikit stress sbb takut missc lagi huhu tp lama lama ok gak perasaan sbb limpas 6 weeks. on march cun2 6 weeks missc.. just think positive happykan diri jgn pikir yg bukan2. eat good food.. 💗
Baca lagitry makan duphaston sis utk kuatkan rahim.. sekurangnya mrmbantu dri segi dalaman.. duphaston ni doc pakar sy suggestkn sbb first bby miscarriange.. skrg dh 35weeks pregnnt.. alhamdulillah..
Apa pun pls rujuk gynae... penah guna duphaston & ultragestron
U pergi klinik, nanti doc akan bagi ubat utk kuatkan rhim n baby. Yg penting jaga kesihatan, jgn buat kerja berat.
cool InsyaAllah