Working Mum Pump Schedule
I'm going back to work in 2 weeks time. Working mums can share your pump schedules? How many times do you pump at work? P.S. I'm afraid that my company culture does not really support pumping that often. :(

I tried to pump twice at work at first, then it got too difficult so reduced to once a day. I try to empty my breasts in the morning before work, pump around 2pm, then latch baby as soon as I'm home. Yes my supply does drop a little but I can still mix feed both formula & BM. Everyone has different situations, just do your best & don't stress out about it :) jia you!
Read moreTwice at work. 11:30 am/12 pm and 5:30 pm. I feel blessed that my company fully supports working mums. Our bldgs have lactation rooms and soon, each room will have a booking system! 😊

I saw my colleague pumping at her desk while she is working... Of course covered with a shawl or something. Also use a silent pump, else the whole office can hear you😊
I did it 3 times at work when I first went back to work. You can consider hands free and pump at desk if it’s a concern for your supervisor.
every 3 hours if can. if not, then at least after bfast and after lunch. or start of work and end of work
Ideally every 2 to 3 hrs. Do speak to your direct manager about your concerns etc
Twice and pump at my desk with nursing cover
At first I pump every 3hr