After baby done latching I continued with pumping Breast milk is really a demand = supply The more the body thinks milk is demanded The more supply it will generate So by pumping after latching Body will think more demand is necessary It’s very very hard work But it works
Latch on every feed, pump out remaining after every feed. Drink papaya fish soup, and alot of water, like 1.5 or 2 litres a day. Thats my routine.. U can try :) also got some herbal for "more breast milk" but i never try b4, my mummies frd did, n lactation biscuits too
Welcome :)
After each direct latch, continue with pumping for at least 15 mins.. at the beginning you won't see much but it's ok.. after a few days or up to 1 weeks, you will see the difference
Include soup at least in one of the meals daily, eat more fish, drink red dates tea.. try australian recipe milo.
Hi... you might find this article informative
Hi, Please increase the intake the green leafy vegetables in your diet
U need to pump at least once in the middle of the night as well.
Fenugreek, salmon, soup, pump in between latching on
Raw papaya!
Danial's Mummy