Moving alone
If you had to move to a distant land without your friends and family, would you do it?

Sometimes you have to. There is safety and comfort in staying home, but as you travel, two things happen. 1) You challenge your own limits. Yesterday, you had help and a car to go around. Today, you are trying to order food without speaking the language! Enriches your life by making you more accepting. 2) You give your children a new ocean to explore. They are surprisingly resilient. So a new culture, different from yours makes them more open-minded. Wherever you go, you are going to settle in, make new friends, live in a different manner! If both of you are on the same page, you can make it work!
Read moreIt depends whether if i had a choice, if i have to re-locate due to better work prospect, i will do it. As i am not very close to most of my family members, My mother would understand that i have to re-locate to earn more money. She can always come over for holidays too.
No no no. I will not survive without the people I love. Not even if I get paid a gazillion dollars and my children down to their children's children get set up well for life.
Depends. If I can find a good caretaker for my children and that move promise me a much better future, why not
Never say never - but seems very unlikely. I like my husband too much to be away from him
Depend on situation. If i have no kids i would. Just for exploring and be backm
It depends Ideally would love to have my daughter and husband move with me(:
i won't. i need to be with my family.. probably more than they need me. lol
Depending on the perks ... do they justify ?
Nope. Definitely not for long term.