Flashback the moment when you know you are pregnant!
I woke up at 5am to check either I am pregnant using pregnancy strip. That is my first time using that strip so it takes a while for me? but the outcome : Not pregnant ( i guess i use the strip in a wrongly method) then i try to do another test at 10am.. Finally!!!! it shows : Pregnant!!!

Mine is funny. I took upt test at home in evening and my husband still at work. So I just snap a picture and send to him. And I said we are going to have a baby!!(in a very excited way absolutely) You know what he said? ‘Ohh. double line is pregnant? Can you send me the pregnancy test without you pee on it? I want to see the different’ I just don’t understand is that even a question or not haha😊
Baca lagimy husbnd very excited and he want to assist me during the upt test. i just pee n he help to put the strip in my urine n also drop the urine in the cassette (yes we buy two different type). n he did waiting for the result.. he told me the double line appear, till then i just saw the result.. that is the second time i saw my husband cry..
Baca lagiMy husband n I had an argument the night before. Kami PJJ sementara waktu. Esok pagi mcm teringin nak buat test, sekali tengok 2 line. Terus WhatsApp dia. Lupa terus pergaduhan malam tu😂🥰
hahahha...tahniah ya momy...take care
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im craving to eat durian so bad..😂
i just eat a bit..if not i'll crying like a baby😂😂 maybe its a girl because im not scan yet
my body itchy so much at night.
tears in our eyes
A mother