To gain weight
Hi. I just went for my 2nd checkup today. My weight from 65kg and now currently 62kg. So i loss 3kg for a month. And now another 2 weeks I have to go to clinic since doctor said it is not okay to lose so much weight. ?? i just can eat dry crackers and milo only. Other than that I will vomit back. Any ideas or maybe suggestion I could try? Doctor ask me to take multivitamins, but I can’t even take any pills now!??????????? but my baby is normal and healthy, ?? ?

hi..sme la sis mse mula2 Mngandung cye pun mcm tu..trok rase..berat 65kg..strt mngndung jew teus 54kg..mkin lme mkin trun jew..nsib la nurse xckp pape..cume diey sruh jge mkan n bce buku merah dorng bg tu..mkan skit2 tpi berulang2..tu yg nurse pesan..nsib laa wktu tu husband slalu bli air buah n buah-buahan..bau ap pown xley nk bau..ase sesak nafas jdinyew..skrng dh 20mnggu pun xley bau bawang2..n mkan bertambah dh..klau x seksa ase..smpai rase xnk mngndung dh..cukup la 1 niey..😅
Baca lagiI pun macamtu. I lost 3kg. In a month. Nextweek baru 2nd check up. Makan je muntah so macam i i akan paksa jugak makan which i try and error macam2 food. Now i boleh terima kfc je original chicken. Semua pedas bawang tumis tak boleh. Muntah. You kena try and error makanan semua mana tahu boleh terima sebab kalau tak kesian baby. I paksa sebab taknak admitted hospital. Heheh. Sabar k
Baca lagisamaaa! 1st tri berat turun 3kg..n doc sgt memahami sbb morning sickness tu..masa tu mmg makan apa semua kuar balik..pastu pikir bby akan dpt ke tak nutrien dr apa yg kita makan tu..sbb asik muntah je..awal2 tu try bubur ayam..okay, menjadik dlm 3 hari je..pastu start muntah2 balik..pastu try nestum+kurma tu baru okay..kena byk try n error mknn..hehe
Baca lagila tu
sy pon, asal 72kg now 70kg, doktor pelik dh 13th weeks, tp berat x lg pelik sbb sy bkn jenis muntah, klu mkn ok, tp x semua mkn sy blh terima..sbb sy bkn jenis muntah klu mkn yg sy x kena pakse smpi rase x blh terima tekak..then pelikk knp brt x naik..hb pon drop 😕😭
Baca lagihi sis, saya 3 kali pregnent setiap kali turun berat badan 5kg-6kg disebabkan morning sickness.alhamdulillah nurse or doktor ckp xpe2. lepas dh habis morning sickness baru topup balik kg yg hilang. don worry sis.normal tu asalkan kesihatan kita ok baby pun ok.
Same with me ! Ive lost 3kgs 😭and now im 13weeks, i can only eat porridge and heinz baby biscuit ! And i can only drink orange juice, even plain water pun tak boleh.. just try to eat sikit sikit, better thn nothing right ☺️
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Kasihan nye hmmm mcm kisah adik i last last year lah 🤧 and now seems like i will following uols too , haven’t got period since last 2 weeks before 😩
I consume ESP shaklee throughout my pregnancy. Alhamdulillah everything is fine. Wanna give it a try?
try 2 eat any fruit like apple, oren. How months your baby.???
A mother