after giving birth,what size will the belly go? same like 9months or smaller? or go back original?? and when can i start to lose all those baby weight and go back to my old body shape? i know this sounds silly but i feel fat knowing my weight is almost 60kg(no offense). its just that my weight never went above 45kg.

guna bengkung. sy dpat balik perut lama cuma kulit die je la. x setegang dulu2. ada stretchmark, so mmg x tegang lg la jwabnya.. haha.. btw, skrg masih lg dlm pantang dan berat badan sntiasa mnurun tiap kali check up. just control makan je. lg2 nanti masa u breastfeed baby, more weight to lose.. hehehe berat badan sy : 1st trim - 65.5kg b4 deliver - 77kg current (14th March) - 68.8kg
Baca lagiUse bengkung! It will not be back in original form la for me. 😂 But it will be a lot smaller than while during pregnancy.
🤣🤣🤣 ok. thanks for the advice
a Queen to a Princess