To gain weight

Hi. I just went for my 2nd checkup today. My weight from 65kg and now currently 62kg. So i loss 3kg for a month. And now another 2 weeks I have to go to clinic since doctor said it is not okay to lose so much weight. ?? i just can eat dry crackers and milo only. Other than that I will vomit back. Any ideas or maybe suggestion I could try? Doctor ask me to take multivitamins, but I can’t even take any pills now!??????????? but my baby is normal and healthy, ?? ?

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Same with me ! Ive lost 3kgs 😭and now im 13weeks, i can only eat porridge and heinz baby biscuit ! And i can only drink orange juice, even plain water pun tak boleh.. just try to eat sikit sikit, better thn nothing right ☺️