I love my lo!! but sometimes I feel that I am trapped & couldn't wait to escape from him.. he doesn't sleep much during the day (15-30mins), and I have to guard around him to coax him back to sleep.. is it normal to feel this way? I am feel so guilty, and convince that I'm lacking maternal instinct,, feeling lousy as a mother m..

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I feel exactly the same way.. I have no help and hubby work till late. So it's me and my two kiddos all day all night. Even buying groceries I have to bring both along. Haven't got time to even cut my hair for a year! I really feel very very down cos I look terrible and I am so tired most of the time. My girl can't sleep well and always have night terrors. Plus My mil is not in a good health so can't help and my mum stays too far and she has a weak back and my Dad works till late. But now my girl is 3 and my boy is 7, I finally got a little time for myself when they are in school. To help, I taught my kids to help me with housework. They are pretty good at dusting and they are actually remove all their toys to dust the shelves without me asking. I guess because they observe what I have been doing. I also arrange playdates with my frens. We will leave the kids at indoor playground and we chit chat at the cafe inside. At least I have some social life. It's totally normal to feel that way. Especially when u are so tired. Find some time to relax when your LO is asleep or just get your hubby to tend to him for an hour and u go and take a walk or just nap!

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Oh! Poor you. Don't blame yourself and it happens with all mothers at some point of time. We take motherhood so seriously that when we give time for ourselves, we start feeling guilty. I suggest, you have someone to babysit your kid. Once in a while, leave him at your mom's place and go for a spa or just hang around, catch a movie or go out with a friend. Or you can also keep a half day maid so that she looks after him and plays with him when he is awake. Or can put him in a daycare for a few hours so that you get time for yourself as well. And please, do not feel bad. You are a perfect mother. We all go through such time, because after the baby w get so engrossed in taking care of them 24X7 that we forget about ourselves. I remember, not combing my hair for the entire day, or not putting cream on my face for days. So, all this does take a toll over you and there comes a day when you break down. So, do not let a situation come when you break down. Have a hold on it in advance and start giving time to yourself.

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Hey mummy! It is definitely normal to want a breather... although you have now become a "mother", you are still you.. it is only natural that you need a break and try to focus a little on yourself. I'm sure you have been an awesome mother, attending to your child's needs and always being there for him. See if you can get someone to help take care of him for a couple of hours and have a date with yourself (or even just to have a good nap). Sometimes, a little time away can do wonders. Take care and hang in there!!

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It's very normal to feel this way mommy! Don't beat yourself too much over this. How old is your baby? Sounds like he's still pretty young and he needs all your attention. If you need help, ask for it - from you husband, parents etc. There's no shame in asking for help. You are doing the best for your child and while he's too young to communicate his gratitude, he knows :) you're doing a great job and don't let anyone else, including yourself, tell you otherwise.

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Same here! In fact after CL left i had prob coaxing him to sleep. i injure my wrist becos of prolonged carrying of the baby. Invest in a ringsling or baby carrier. when u carry bb at home try to sit down whenever u can. lie on the sofa n also rest while u are carrying him. Tats wat I did cos i dun haf the luxury to sleep for 3 straight hours! Jiayou!!

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I feel the same way sometimes. But i do know that when i feel that way its highly possible that i need to take some time to be alone and rest. Maybe hubby or a yaya can help so you can take some time to rest.

Don't feel guilty. Mothers are humans too. New moms are tired, sleep deprived, exhausted. Everything about motherhood is not rosy. This phase of the baby will also get over.

it's very much normal dear... after all u r also a human being. try giving him an oil massage before getting him to sleep this works a lot... I do the same for my munchik.

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Me too! I work from home but I hv to do all work on midnight, since my baby stay awake during the day. He'll start crying whenever I left him alone for awhile *sigh

Its totally normal, as much as we love our babies, we need some time away from them. Try to take a break once in a while, so u don't feel burnt out