I have tried not shouting...not spanking but my 4 year old continues to be aggressive with kids. Whenever he sees a kid his height or shorter,he will go hit him. Even when that child is not looking towards him. I have asked him why he is hitting but he looks down and keeps quiet. He is only child. But I have seen other single kids too and they do not behave like this. Is there any other parents here sailing or sailed in same boat? Otherwise he is an intelligent kid but short temperd. I have tried being patient since 3 days but he does not seem to be improving at all. Shall we take him for counselling?

i have seen some kids in our neighbourhood behave like this, and trust me, it is good that you are taking note of it right now. it is possible that your baby feels a sense of power when he does this to other kids. this is the earliest sign of bullying but of course can be improved. your baby is bursting with a lot of energy that should be channelized in a positive way. have you tried enrolling him in some activity that he enjoys? maybe get him to learn some sports, dance, skating, anything taht will involve physical exertion and discipline. this is the right age to start your kid on something, and it will also help him release the pent up energy he has. counseling is too strong, i suggest you try all this and then see.
Read moreHi, I have a nephew ~ youngest child of three siblings will hit his peers. My sis in law told me this will work if both parents cooperate. At his age, he can understand that it is wrong to hit his peers. If he do that again, you have to be consistent and firm with your actions. Eg you will need to give time out to him everytime he do that. Your partner and you must use same parenting method. Means one said punish, the other must not use another way to resolve itm I have read this too. Hope it will able to help you to find your way to resolve your current problem .. www.parents.com/toddlers-preschoolers/discipline/anger-management/6-ways-to-curb-your-childs-aggressive-behavior/
Read moreI think child counselling would help. There definitely is something going on in your child's life and I think your child is afraid to tell you. Children are good at telling Counsellors there little problems. As they feel safe and they have lovely bright rooms toys and teddy's. They watch their eyes move, they pick up on what they are looking at, hand it to them and ask the child to talk to the toy, and all their little feelings come out. It could be something v minor as to why they are doing it e.g. looking for more attention from mom or dad. Best of luck.
Read moreMy 2.5 years old son will hit sister and family members whenever he is upset. I keep reinforce by asking him, what should you do to your hands and he will answer me "Hands are for writing, playing toys". Next I will ask him, what you shouldn't do with your hands and he will answer me "hands are not for hitting", and he will stop doing it. For young kids, we just need to keep reminding them over and over again. After some months, the hitting is getting lesser and lesser and I guess he is abit older to understand we cannot hit people.
Read moreAlso tell him that, he doesn't have authority towards others body. Tell him that, If he hurt others, he is answerable to their parents. This usually frightens them. It will eventually stop. If he hits another child in from the parents and they step in to discipline ur son, don't interrupt. Let him face them. Because life works that way. Every time we cannot hover near our child. Let him take responsibility for his actions. Actually it's the best way for them to learn.
Read moreI think you need to be patient and understand why he turns aggressive towards other children. Then explain to him that hitting others is not acceptable. He can learn to express his displeasure in his language, not physical force. I believe you have done right by not spanking him, otherwise you won't be setting a good example to him - punishing his aggressive behaviour with aggression.
Read moretell him that if he continues like this, he may lose all his friends n proceed to explain why. ask him about his school, daily routines, could be something happened that triggered this. Some kids don't express well but keep it in their heart... keep talking to him, before bedtime, during tv time, snack time, casual conversations
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