Rant + advice needed... How can I ask my hubby to have patient with his kids? My son is 3 years old. As all three year old he is mischievous and curious, many whys, what's, etc. My hb have no patience to entertain him. He will ignore and shout loudly to ask him to dun disturb him. Basically give him a black face. I tried talking to him. He just brushed it aside and start quarrel with me. Say he very bz with work, his hp nv left his hands. Me on the other end. My work can nv be finish. I'm a shm btw. He nv reali helps with hse work and will only move when I ask him to, or when he notice my face change to black. If I tell him all these we will end up quarreling. I just hope he will have more patience towards the kids as he complained they are not close to him.

Just sharing some of my thoughts. Perhaps the next time your husband mentioned that his son is not close to him, suggest having a family day where all work is off limits during that time. I’m not sure what is the nature of your husband’s work, but hopefully he is able to take a few hours off during the weekend to make time for family. Another suggestion I could think of is to ask him how much time he needed to be attending to his work matter while at home. So, during this period, you can ask your son not to go to him to minimize the chances of him snapping at your son. Also, see if he is open to the idea of putting them to bed at night for some father-son time without you. As for the housework, I coming up with a task sheet may help. Simply state what he should help out with and put that on the fridge. Can make it fun and involve your son in the housework too. In this case, everyone gets to contribute. http://organizedhome.com/family-ties/kids-chores-chilling-chore-wars Hang in there!!
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1. Understand that work and home is different. Men are more committed to work as this brings home the bread and butter. This is male ego. Women on the other hand are more warm in taking care of the household. This may not necessary be true throughout but in general this should be the case. 2. As a SAHM, the household is a woman entire world and be soft to the man by being more affectionate and showing to the man that the house is well taken care of, this may works. 3. The father loves his child too and expressing of love may be different. 4. Adjustment of mentality with more open communication may spice up a more warming and loving family.
Read moreIs something bothering your husband? Growing up, my dad was always busy and flying around due to work but whenever he gets a break, he is always fun, always lovely to me, my siblings and my mom. I reckon something must be bothering your husband. Have you stopped to ask him about work? Men like to keep to themselves alot and sometimes, it's ego or pride that keeps them from talking much. The grass is always greener on the other side. You may think that your job never ends and he thinks you have it easy as a SAHM. Sit down just the 2 of you and talk things out. Really think there's more to your husband than he lets on. Take care!
Read moreHi mummy! Not sure if your husband will be keen to attend any of these workshops: http://dadsforlife.sg/programmes/ (I thought the description for “Shared Parenting” and “ICAN – A Fathering Workshop” sounds relevant to you) I honestly am not sure of the effectiveness of the workshops as I don’t have any friends who have attended these. Just thought to offer as an option to consider. Or perhaps can ask you husband to set aside some time (every week) to teach your son a sport/game both are interested in?
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