16 Replies

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I'm 21 years old with a 2 year old son, most of my friends are either in army, working or in university at the moment. I understand how it feels, and it can be hard at times - especially when you meet up after a long time and then end up realizing you no longer have common topics! What you can do is to make friends with other parents, there are many (like me!) who have kids young too :) Another thing you can do is to take those alone times and spend time on taking care of yourself.

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im and introvert extrovert. so i feel its okay to be arnd ppl and i love my own time. when i start to not werk... i have difficulties accepting... but in the end i soon realise family is all that matters. and if they are your true fren... they will connect themselve to you.. they will offer to come over your place and get close to you and your kids... trust me when u grow older... the lesser true frens u have.... but again.... family are #1....

you are not alone. I do not have a social life until recently. well, I would not term it as social life but just a short me-time... I will wait for my 2y8m LO to sleep, then I will go catch a late night movie. it really makes a difference. at times, not having a social life is not important. most important is having a husband who helps you.

You are definitely not alone on this. This is mom life! I’m a sahm and i face my lo almost 24hrs a day. Sometimes it kinda drives me crazy. It really helps alot to join group chats, meet some mommy friends, have play dates occasionally. It keeps me sane and they understand what you’re going through.

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This is mummy life! Sad truth is, once you are a mom. your social circle will change. So i made mainly mummy friends. These people are able to understand us better and we have better topic to communicate about. Make some friends on facebook!

Yeah, true that is what I do now mostly too. Maybe try to see if can make More mummy friends with similar situation to widen the social circle. Hehe

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I too , a lonely mother... the best part is im not allowed to have any social media...so that kinda sucks but i get to spend time with my 3 precious baby boys (inclding hubby). My best friend is my mom😬

both my husband and me stay a drift from social media other than informative reasons.. can be cause of unwanted problems and issues. 😊

Make more mummy friends! Join some group chat, chat with mummies. This is what I do everyday when my hub busy and no one talk to me. Don't worry you're not alone (:

Yeah I think that could be a good solution too I Guess

VIP Member

This is life... After all we also busy to handle too many friends .. And we only need a few friend around. Once in awhile , just catch up with one another.

I too feel lonely sometimes, I am not a v. sociable person n shy, I want to meet friends who have babies too so I can bring my son play with them

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