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Normal Temperature for 1 year?
Hi mommies what are the normal temp for 1 year? My son is quite warm check his temp around 37.1
10 month old formula fed poop 2 or 3 times a day
Hi is it normal for a 10 month old formula fed poop 2 or 3 times a day? He is eating solids now twice a day n snacks in between
1st year photo session
Hi Mommies anybody here can share where I can do 1st year photo session with fair pricing,? as my son 1 year coming soon tnaks
Is this diarrhea for 10 month old baby
Hi everyone has anyone of u experience this, my LO pooped 3 times today morning his poop is normal then after I feed him milk and eat the porridge I make hot from freezer he pooped again this watery consistent now in the evening while I give him watermelon his pooped is watery again 8s this normal? He isn't fussy or anything he is normal n happy playing
hiring a helper to take care baby
Hi mommies may I know the cost of hiring a helper if I take them from agency?
uv sterilizer doesn't heat up
Hi, mommies I used my uv sterilizer for 7 mos now same age as my bub but recently it doesn't heat up,should I replace it's UV light? As I can't sterilize without the heat
crawling and standing with support @ 6 mos
Hi mommies, my baby at 6 mos old begin to crawl n stand up with support from chairs or sofas at 7 mos he is more active crawl fast n can move from places standing using support on sofas or chairs has anyone of u have the same experience as mine at 6 mos? Is it not too early to have all this milestones?
CDA approved purchases
Hi mommies may I know if parents can use any bonus CDA to purchase glasses?
ikan bilis powder for baby
Hi mommies,may I know where to buy ikan bilis powder for my bb? As he is starting solids now
4 mos old pooping 3 times a day
Hi Mommies recently my baby whose going to 5 mos poop every 3 days and poop is hard, then I change his milk to Friso n start to give him banana puree and sweet potato now he poops 3 times a day and the poop like watery type is this normal?