31 Replies

Super Mum

U need to eat abit even no appetite. Hungry make ur nausea worse! So eat frequent small meals.

VIP Member

Mine lasted till month 5. And occasionally still vomit due to indigestion. Currently month 7+ 😳

Seem like everyone almost last to 5months😔

VIP Member

Morning sickness will phase off for most pregnant women after first trimester

Depends on each body. Some take Long some end quite early. Hang in there!!

How do you overcome when you face it?

It will get better once you are in you're 2nd trimesters.

Depends on individual. I lasted nearly 5 months 😂😅

Thanks! Now I have a big appetite tho 😅 but I'm very picky...

same happened with me till delivery

VIP Member

I got better only in week 20

Super Mum

Should get better after 5 months.

Hope so..

VIP Member

Few ppl recovery by 5th month

Thank you for your encouragement

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