Nausea and vomit

I am the 1st time mummy here... Even though i am the 3rd mth now, i am still feeling nausea and vomit everyday. May i know how long will it take to back to normal???no appetite but easily hungry in the morning

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Try taking frequent, bite size food eg. biscuits with tea, milo (your fav hot drink) whatever you feel like eating at the moment but just take small portions and eat slowly...its not a marathon. Some mothers go through this throughout their pregnancy whilst others breeze through...each pregnancy is differrent. Congratulations and may you have a smooth delivery...

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VIP Member

Really depends on individual. Try distracting yourself with other activities (like perhaps some k-dramas?😂) or u can try the anti-nausea wrist bands! I wore them all the time during my pregnancy and oh! The smell of lemon calms my nauseous feeling too. You can try it!

No nausea, vomiting for me. Appetite was poor. I only felt better after 12weeks. I don't feel like eating but I feel hungry easily during my first trimester. My favourite food at that point was milo & digestive biscuits/bread.

5y ago

For me i dont have food which is favourite now maybe is because of my nausea. Still pending for investigate😂😂

It should get better around 20weeks, but try to take small meals and never let yourself go hungry or eat until you’re too full. I realised when my nausea got worse when my stomach is too empty or when I overeat.

5y ago

Yup...this is what i facing now.. So i am trying to adjust my meal today.Hope i can feel better if follow this.

Super Mum

For me , I didn’t vomit but I feel nauseous and gag alot. And I also realise that my nausea get worse when I’m hungry, so I make sure I eat small snack frequently . It really help.

5y ago

Hi what kind of snacks u prepare

Super Mum

Is actually up to individual. My 1st pregnancy don't have. 2nd pregnancy only 1st trimester. My friend is throughout the while pregnancy. Rest well. Drink more fluids. Take care 💪

5y ago

Thanks, hope will gws.

It depends. Mine lasted for about 5 months & it stopped for awhile and started when i am down to my last few weeks 😖 Some get it throughout their whole pregnancy.

5y ago

but finally you have passed through the suffered period.😊

Hi, This phase really varies from person to person as the bodily functions vary. But with time, it will be fine. Do consult your gynae as well for this

I had nausea in my first tri. Also a first time mum here... Surprisingly once I reached my second Tri, the nausea just went away suddenly. Be strong mummy!

5y ago

Oh, not sure if it helps, but I survived on Meiji milk and milk+crackers entirely for the first tri cos I just can't stomach any other foods

Hi, Generally the morning sickness goes after 1st trimester. Till then please try to eat little bit so that you still get your nutrients