hye mommies.....i want to ask..is it true the baby head will bigger if the mother always get sleeping, rest and have a diebetic? i feel so confuse because my aunt always say like that to me...

nope. here's the thing, starting from pregnancy, birth, newborn, infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, teenagehood, adulthood, marriage, basically all steps of life, there will always be nonsensical old wives tales. now we are living in a modern age where knowledge from legit sources are easily accessible, people in old days they relied on old wives tales and word of mouth because that is the only 'knowledge' that is easily accessible for them. during pregnancy it is normal to feel tired and sleepy most of the time, because our body is working hard in the process of creating another human being inside our belly. my advice is get all your sleep because we won't get enough sleep after our little miracle are born. but if you are diabetic, there is a risk for the baby's size (not just the head) to be bigger than normal baby size, hence that's why doctors sometimes induced birth earlier than the due date to prevent babies getting stuck in the birth canals and risking nerve injury due to being very large on due date.
Baca lagiI'm pregnant 8 weeks had the same problem & the same worries. I am diagnosed diabetic and currently warded. My blood sugar level is quite high and i need to inject insulin on my tummy 4 times a day. I also worried if anything happen / affect to my pregnancy. However, I will take all the good advice, control my diet & do some exercise to keep my baby healthy.
Baca lagiHye dear..correction..it’s not particularly the head to say.. If diabetes is not well controlled during pregnancy, the baby is exposed to high blood sugar levels..this can affect the baby & mother during pregnancy, at the time of birth, & after birth..infacts of diabetic mothers (IDM) are often larger than other babies..you may refer to your gynecologist regarding this..
Baca laginope. dont easily trust on people "testimony". the unusual growth of the baby can be told only by having detailed scan.😊.. just listen to your body.. if u need extra nap, why not? but try to have more exercise like walking for 30-40 mins per day since u have diabetic. it help to control it.
Kepala bby bsr bkn d sbbkan GDM semata2. No such thing, dear. Sila tanya doktor. Kalau GDM, whole body bby yg besar. Xde kepala saja yg bsr. Ibu kerap tidur tu sbb penat. Xde kaitan jgk dgn penyebab kepala bby besar.
Kepala bby bsr bkn d sbbkan GDM semata2. No such thing, dear. Sila tanya doktor. Kalau GDM, whole body bby yg besar. Xde kepala saja yg bsr. Ibu kerap tidur tu sbb penat. Xde kaitan jgk dgn penyebab kepala bby besar.
saya kuat tdo msa preggy ank ke 3.sbb mlm xdpt tdo,mmg siang kerap tdo.ok ja baby.sihat sempurna
no laaaa. hihii. my previus pregnncy i sleep all day sampai 9 bulan. i was detect gdm on diet by 37w. and baby was born 37w4d. 😂 baby weight only 2.1kg. 🤭 much bater fron her sister 5years ago. only 2 kg. 37w ngam.
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I guess most probably ur aunt jealous of you get chance rest well everytime. 😁