My husband has been helping out a lot and very involved in our pregnancy. He cleans the house, does the laundry and wash the washrooms etc. However, I get very sensitive when he couldn’t pay attention to my dietary needs. Before pregnant, we didn’t have a fixed meal time. But now I am very particular about eating on time to provide for baby in the womb. I feel very tired that I’m always the one asking him what’s for lunch, what’s for dinner etc. I have spoken to him before and he tried. Often, he would order more food in advance and put them in the fridge. To him, he thinks that eating food a few hours long is fine. But to me it is not. Because I prefer to have freshly prepared food for our baby. I have talked to him before. But I am sick and tired of repeating myself every single time.

i have the same issue. my partner will buy food for me and if i cannot finish it, he will keep it in the fridge for me to eat later because he knows i will get hungry very quickly. but the thing is i dont wanna eat it anymore, i want something new and fresh to eat. although it angers me when he doesnt understand, i try my best to be patient because most of the time its my hormones that making me extra princessy while hes already doing his best to make this pregnancy comfortable and easy for me. all i do is shake leg at home and sleep while he goes out to work, does 99% of the chores and buys food. only when im not tired then i will cook and help him wash the dishes. we need to understand that our pregnancy also sometimes affects our husbands but in a different way so we cannot always feel so entitled to having things going our way all the time.
Read moreWith regards to fresh food or food left in the fridge for few hours, everyone has different opinions on this. My husband wants me to eat fresh food instead of food kept longer when I had our LO while I don't mind to eat food kept few hours long but of course husband reminds me den I didn't do so. Maybe just don't eat the food he kept for you in the fridge since you are the one who is pregnant and have the rights so that he will get the message as talking to him doesn't work out? You could also order your own food through delivery. Your husband is already doing a great job taking care of you and LO so be appreciative.
Read moreWow!! He cleans, laundry and wash toilet!! I should show this to my husband hhahahah. You’re so fortunate!! Maybe you can tell him what do you feel like eating instead? When I was pregnant my husband always make sure I’m well eaten and even now after I gave birth he will always put food on the table. I don’t mind eating the same food for breakfast lunch and dinner though. If you would like to have a change maybe you can tell him instead.
Read moreI am 33 weeks pregnant. I am still working from 8.30am-5.30pm. I cook dinner everynight for my partner and I. I clean the house and do the laundry. I do online shopping for newborn essentials. I visit my parents who are old and I look after them. I do the grocery shopping but my partner tries to help as and when he can. If I can do all that and not complain or make my partner feel small or useless, you can too.
Read moreHuh seriously. I still had to cook and serve food on the table to my husband and that’s fine because he had a super long day at work. Give and take. Being pregnant doesn’t give you any superiority. Your husband requires the equal amount of love and care like you do too. I don’t understand what are you trying to complain here. You can grow up and fix a meal for yourself.
Read moreUr husband is alrdy nice enough. Mine is busy working getting some extra cash during this CB period.. so im always the one preparing food... thinking what to order.. mostly settling daily food on the table. I even cook on most days. Had to tell him countless of times to clean the toilet too. Because most of the time hes alrdy very tired from working & i understand... Count your blessings. :)
Read moreYour partner is already so nice! You should count your blessing that your husband helped you so much. Not everyone is as fortunate as you. Pls put yourself in your husband's shoes as well. I think what he did was good enough (comparing with most partners out there). Honestly, i feel you might be a bit too demanding . Probably due to your pregnancy, idk.
Read moreAt least he prepped the fridge with food. Mine kept doing OT so I had to settle my own dinner, sometimes even had to buy his share and lug it home
you can let him know in advance on your food preferences.. or if ordering for delivery, you can do the ordering yourself too
Your hubs seem like he is doing his best! Maybe can ease some load off his shoulders by ordering food delivery :)