
My husband has been helping out a lot and very involved in our pregnancy. He cleans the house, does the laundry and wash the washrooms etc. However, I get very sensitive when he couldn’t pay attention to my dietary needs. Before pregnant, we didn’t have a fixed meal time. But now I am very particular about eating on time to provide for baby in the womb. I feel very tired that I’m always the one asking him what’s for lunch, what’s for dinner etc. I have spoken to him before and he tried. Often, he would order more food in advance and put them in the fridge. To him, he thinks that eating food a few hours long is fine. But to me it is not. Because I prefer to have freshly prepared food for our baby. I have talked to him before. But I am sick and tired of repeating myself every single time.

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Huh seriously. I still had to cook and serve food on the table to my husband and that’s fine because he had a super long day at work. Give and take. Being pregnant doesn’t give you any superiority. Your husband requires the equal amount of love and care like you do too. I don’t understand what are you trying to complain here. You can grow up and fix a meal for yourself.

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4y ago

Exactly my 2 cents worth. Doesn’t mean we are pregnant, we can get our way. For gods sake, he’s your husband. Please learn to be SENSITIVE of his feelings instead of YOUR feelings alone. Can you imagine if one day HE will be the one sick and tired of you and your complaints? Come on, marriage is a two-way thing. Be grateful that he is still sensitive enough to prepare you meals and do the chores. I know we want things to be done OUR way but people around us have feelings, they’re not robots that you can order around. If you want your meals on time, get someone to cook and deliver it to you ON TIME. Don’t make your husband feel any more useless than he might be feeling already. Have some heart. Take this as an advice. Take care.