How do you feel when you know you're pregnant for the first time?

i got my 1st baby after my 1st major operation. so i never feel happy at first, only nervous and terrified because im afraid of the complication from the previous operation. my 2nd was too. i moved to other states and its really depressing and got carried away. lost my 2nd baby because of the complication from my previous 2 operations. so i got my 3rd operation for the baby no.2 . currently im with my 3rd baby, with history of 3 major operations. when i knew im pregnant, i was not so happy. i cried, teriffied and scared. but then when i saw the baby move during check up, my heart flutter and feel happy. so what every moms have to do? be strong and be happy with the tiny little people in you tummy
Read moreI was in a state of disbelief. I had been trying to get pregnant for 6 years before getting a positive test, and I remember staring at the test feeling confused and doubtful. I wasn't excited until a doctor confirmed it at 7 weeks, but even then, I was very cautious about celebrating it (especially since I miscarried before). So for me, the joy and acceptance grew very slowly. When I had an ultrasound at 11 weeks and the baby actually looked like a moving, squirming baby, that's when the joyful tears came and my heart felt super full with love and happiness.
Read moreIt happen last month..I am super happy but 2 second after, dr said miscarriages. So..i dont know what i feel. 🙂 but last week i check again, suddenly i have a double line, check again at the clinic, but bcoz of my miscarriage last month, dr ask to wait for another week and use clearblue digital to check. If positive then, need to go to the clinic again. So, my feelings is everywhere now. #1sttimemama
Read moreExcited, and so Happy wich turn me to cried alone in bed as I was waiting for 4,5years and I did not knew anything to have this big surprise from Allah SWT 😇. Evenwhen I chat and send him those pict my husband was shock and call me right away and next day he asked to buy another test strip and check to make 100% sure for this happiness 😍😘😇
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I'm VERY happy and scared at the same time. I was miscarriage 7 weeks pregnancy in the end of Jan. I don't wanna have that terrible experience again this time. Wish me luck!
I was unhappy at first but was later happy cause I didn't know I will take in suddenly after I lost my daughter that same year, and month so my baby is a miracle baby
Happy and sad. Happy because I will have a baby and sad because there's a lot of pressure about financial. I didn't expect the baby this year but am grateful.
Its weird because I've never experienced pregnancy on my own, I had friends or family tell me how it felt but I never knew everything they went threw
Initially i was shocked, couldnt believe it. Till i booked my first gynae visit and confirmed the pregnancy, i see my hub smile n i felt so Happy
Nurturer of 4 adventurous kids