Gadgets & Kids

how early do you introduce gadgets to your little ones? i do realise the importance of knowing to use gadgets in this technology era. but how do we as parents not let our children be too addicted on gadgets? i have witnessed too many children from infants to young adults hooked onto phones. but i guess it starts with us parents too huh? we are also addicted to phones. and i think thats where they learnt from.

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Introducing gadgets to little ones has its own pros and cons. Pros: When shown educational videos, they learn words, shapes, colours and numbers fast. Cons: Not knowing how long or how many times a week to introduce them to these gadgets. Best is to have a balance. Spend quality time playing and interacting with your little ones using natural materials and even by bringing them out. If need to use gadgets, make sure you know how long you need to give it to them.

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My son started when he was 3 years to watch phonics related programs on a tablet. He needs to stop after watching 2 programs which last less than 10min... after that he will play with his toys or we bring him to the playground for outdoor activities. And yes, you're right. Kids nowadays copy what we adults do... if we don't want them to look at phones while eating, we adults should avoid doing it too :)

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my lo was introduced gadgets as young as 6mths old cos he watch videos with song etc . . Till now he is 2 years old we did give him ipad to watch videos and song so he learn all the words from there and also we limit his time to 15mins-30mins. Try to go outdoor or have some toys around and ask lo to play or do some work at home to prevent longer time in gadgets

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We really tried our best not to introduce gadgets to our LO. But we caved in when she was introduced to Paw Patrol and Peppa Pig :( I can only say try your best to restrict e number of hrs and choose the kinda shows your child watches wisely!

it's important to set a good example as our kids are constantly watching i avoid using my phone when I'm with my girl. She started abit of screentime when she was 2+ years...and uses for max 15 mins a day.

Inevitably when they go to school, their peers will compare themselves to your kids, and your kids will feel left out. I’d prefer to introduce gadgets gradually when they’re about 7 or 8.

2yo. I regretted. my boy is 3+ now. wake up first thing he find is iPad. hard to control him now. he can use 4-5HRS straight.

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I introduced a little bit of phone screen time at age 2. She does about 3 hours of Netflix/YouTube a week at 3 years old