Gadgets & Kids

how early do you introduce gadgets to your little ones? i do realise the importance of knowing to use gadgets in this technology era. but how do we as parents not let our children be too addicted on gadgets? i have witnessed too many children from infants to young adults hooked onto phones. but i guess it starts with us parents too huh? we are also addicted to phones. and i think thats where they learnt from.

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Introducing gadgets to little ones has its own pros and cons. Pros: When shown educational videos, they learn words, shapes, colours and numbers fast. Cons: Not knowing how long or how many times a week to introduce them to these gadgets. Best is to have a balance. Spend quality time playing and interacting with your little ones using natural materials and even by bringing them out. If need to use gadgets, make sure you know how long you need to give it to them.

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