
My father in law wish to adopt a dog and I am currently pregnant 8 weeks. Any advise ? Like pros and cons?

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Actually having a dog is good as research shows that babies exposed to dogs have better immune system and are less prone to allergies.

If that's your father in law house, I don't think he shld stop doing what he wants because of you

VIP Member

As long you don't have any allergic to fur and they clean the dog well should have no issue.

Dog is fine... in fact , having a dog can be very therapetic to mood

It’s fine, as Long as your FIL trains the dog properly

VIP Member

I've 3 dogs and im on 25th week. Perfectly fine!

So long as the dog is trained, and well managed

Super Mum

If u r sensitive to their furs then maybe not.

VIP Member

Just keep d per clean it’s all good!

Super Mum

I'm pregnant and have 2 dogs at home