exclusive pumping
Any exclusive pumping mummies here? Can share your experiences? Currently i have low supply and hence LO is on formula but i want to pump. Tried pumping as much as possible but my supply is still low

I am exclusively pumping for my third baby! Same thing for the earlier 2 as I gt short nipples so can't latch. In summary, patience is key. It takes time to build up ur supple. For a start, I pump abt 10 times per day. The night pumps are the worst but try to wake up. U might also make several new friends, like engorgement, blocked ducts and mastitis. So try nt to miss pumps and find more info on hw to deal with such issues. For me, massages really help. I would also try to avoid my milk boosters for tat few days, as too much milk can make me feel worse. Oh and on tat point, it is important to rmb that u are pumping to feed ur baby, nt ur fridge. I made that mistake with my first, maintaining 8x a day pump for far too long as I was afraid tat dropping pumps would affect my supply (I was pumping 1200ml per day). As a result, I suffered from frequent mastitis, lack of sleep, and was just generally angry with everyone (like.. Why my hubby can sleep thru the night when I still gt my night pumps). After a severe case of mastitis, my milk supply reduced to the extent tat I just need to pump 5x per day. The result? Baby still gt enough milk to fully breastfeed, I gt more sleep, and just generally get to spend more time with the baby rather than my pump. I was so much happier! Even my family members were much happier as they can finally claim their freezer back haha. So.. Good luck! Try nt to label urself as a low supply mummy so fast. Too much stress is a Major milk killer!
Read moreIm also on exclusive pumping! Gave up latching after 3 weeks due to poor latch and LO always seem hungry. I up my supply initially by keeping my pumping to every 2-3hrs and taking supplements (fenugreek pill, lactaction bakes). Now i produce enough for my LO to be on full EBM. The key is not to overpump. I use medela freestyle (double pump), keeping pumping to 15 to 20mins each time only at moderate pressure. If pump too long and high suction it may cause your breast to sore and backfire instead. Important to stay relaxed during pump(watch netflix!) and stay well hydrated!
Read moreThanks mummy
I started out exclusive pumping as my LO was still in the hospital when I discharged and I thought that i have low supply. I managed to direct latch LO after the first month and realised he is satisfied and gaining weight. I think direct latch might have helped boost supply on top of supplements and prescribed medication from my gynae.
Read moreMe! Finally have someone with same experience as me. Mummies ard me have been breastfeeding and have so much supply. I tried to keep on latching initially but my supply cant keep up with my lo's needs. He keeps on crying after 1 hour of breastfeeding every time!!! So I also decide to top up with formula and pumping 😔😔😔
Read moreThank you for your input mummy. Really appreciate it!
I was latching and pumping for the first 12 months and I’m exclusively pumping now for 3 months. I try not to skip pumps and pump for longer period of time to maintain the supply.
I’m exclusive pumping for both my Lo. Try to pump every 2hours for the start. In the meantime drink as much water, soup and eat fenugreek to boost up
Thanks mummy!
Try power pumping! Pump 10 mins, rest 5 mins and repeat this 3 times. It worked for me.
U need to eat fish, chicken and have more soup.. these helps give more milk
You need to have baby latch on first. No use pumping if supply is low.
try latch as much as possible, pump even after baby done latching.