breastmilk low
when breastmilk is low, im asked to pump more. but everytime i pump i only get so little or sometimes just droplets. only the first morning pump is more but also not so much prolly 20ml per breast. so how else cn i increase my supply? because pumping low milk to nothing really hurts.

Hello there! I've been there. It really wasn't easy and it especially hurt when I saw other same-EDD-month mums sharing their supply. Their bottles all at least 100ml, mine was always 20ml, maybe 40ml max. I had to combine bottles for one feed. I tried fenugreek, I drank longan red date tea, I ate oats etc. but my supply was never as good as others. Eventually I sought help from a lactation consultant and basically her advice is to latch on demand. So I latched every two to three hours. And that was how my supply increased. My baby is almost one and I am still exclusively breastfeeding because my breasts have learnt to match her demands from all the latching. Jiayou :)
Read moreTry pigeon milk saver. I used this for both pregnancy. It works best especially when my breast are engorged but milk can’t come out. It works better than the electric pump that I have. Sometimes, I would use this before I change to my electric pump.