Angbao from hub?
Do you think hub shld give wife ang bao during CNY? If yes, why is that so? An appreciation ? If no, why?

I don’t think need leh! Cos gender equality, if Husbands need to give their wives angbao as appreciation, then shouldn’t wives give their husbands angbaos too? Appreciation goes both ways?
Haha that would be great! But it's shared money anyway so isn't it just passing around the same purse? 😂
Don’t think there’s a need to ...after all his money is my money though my money is my money. Hahaha...
Hahaa I didn't received angpao from my hubby during cny. Not necessary but will happy if I got it.
Yes I also gave my hub Ang bao during cny. Just a for a good luck and smooth year ahead(;
I would love to receive. hahaha but not compulsory
Yes~ we give each other angbao for good luck!
Yes totally But my hubby won’t give lol
Nope. Prefer he shower with love everyday
Yes. For appreciation and good luck 😉
just me