Did you all celebrate full month or 100 days?

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We celebrated her full month at 6 weeks. I got a bit of flak from my relatives but brushed it off and called it a full month (+2 weeks) celebration instead. We didn't do her 100th day because we didn't go to Korea. In Singapore, more people celebrate the baby's full month rather than 100 days. At the end it doesn't really matter since it's just a gathering for everyone to view the new baby.

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did full month celebration as grandparents feel that is the norm. plus point was my confinement nanny was still around to help handle baby during party. but downside was I was still in my last few days of confinement so I dint get to enjoy the food but 100days sounds a great idea, given that the mummy can have more time to recover from delivery.

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I only celebrate baby's full month. It's usually a big celebration to celebrate baby's 1st month. Heard it's important especially for Chinese. Must have cakes, ang ku kueh and red eggs. This is a super joyous occasion where everyone will b here too see yr baby (some for the 1st time) Baby will in turn get lots and lots of blessings.

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We only celebrated the full month because of Chinese family traditions - had all my relatives and friends come over for buffet and made some red eggs. We didn't go about having the full month celebration gifts like kueh or cakes because there was too many to give away and would cost too much :x

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We celebrated baby's 100 days as my hubby is from Hong Kong and it's quite common to do 100 days for Cantonese. Also gave me more time to Heal and throw a nice party

For my no1, we celebrated both. First month for my side, 100 days for my Husband side. Haha... I feel 100 days is better as baby is more Alert & cuter ^.^

We only gave out baby full month cakes and red eggs when he turn one month. And on the 100th day, we shave him bald :)

I had both. and I prefer 100days as I'm well rested and look better. I have more time to prepare for the celebration.

Super Mum

We celebrated one year old instead. Coz babies were too small and I was too tired to plan anything. 😅

I will prefer celebrating 100 day because baby would be bigger and I would have fully recovered.