Full month/100 days
Can we celebrate baby’s full month and also 100 days? Or must we stick to just 1? Is it a taboo or bad omen if both days are celebrated?

Up to you. Like the other comment, guests may just wanna come once. Unless u are really really close. For me I celebrate 1wk, monthly till one year with close relatives. But I only did a big event for 100 days only because I personally will feel much better to entertain guests aft resting n a good confinement n look my best at welcoming guests. Different people hv different opinion so really whenever ur ready.❤️
Read moreof course you can celebrate both. never heard of any taboo of this. But you and baby will end up overtired. I didn't really celebrated for both my boys. only very simple prayers and gift boxes for the elderly to feel happy during the full moon. Personally doesn't like people to keep touching or carrying my babies. 100days doesn't sounds auspicious to me so I skipped it. only gave angpao and blessings to them.
Read moreWe celebrated full month actually, older generation don’t understand why at our generation many people are celebrating 100 days. Because for death we pray on the 100th day too. Doesn’t sound very good for birth. Hence, we heard the older generation and follow the traditional way of celebrating on the full month with red eggs!!! 😃😃
Read moreit's up to you. i only celebrate 1 time cos simply too tedious to invite, plan & host more than once what's the reason that you have in mind to celebrate both full month & 100days? im just thinking aloud, say if the number of guests you'll be inviting is too huge for one party, then maybe might be good to separate 2 times
Read moredepend on u, I will prefer to just do 1 event instead of 2.. since covid not really gone and there are still rising cases.. adding on, I rather do full month than 100 days.. may say I am traditional or what, 100 days sound more like for wakes as they count 100 days to pray to the person again..
Nowadays more parents are opting for 100 days as the infant immune system will be stronger than 1 month. I think 100 days is better also cos kids spend more time awake too compared to 1 month. Only downside is the confinement nanny might no longer be there to help
Up to you I guess? If you got the time and budget to do both, then go ahead. But as a guest’s POV, I probably wish to only be invited once. 😅
You can celebrate twice but don’t repeat the guest unless you know they don’t mind and are your family members or say no need gifts.
You can consider 1st month to gift your close families the full month cakes etc and on the 100th days to host a proper party.
Celebrate whatever you like. I personally go for 1 year, but even at 1 year the baby probably has no idea what is happening.