teacher woes

Hi. Dear parents. If you were me. How would you do? My primary 5 boy school tomorrow will be going for p5 school camp. But he is the only 1 in class will not be join in. I only know yesterday until teacher A told me. She though i know there's a camp on thursday. She call me and told me that my boy still need to attend school although he never go for the camp. I was very curious how come there's a p5 camp which i dont know. And how come my boy will not be going. I ask my boy. He said maybe he too naughty. So teacher wont allow him to go. And he look like" never mind". Than i call back teacher A. She said she "heard" my boy form teacher, said because the camp will be release in the camp area, will not be go back to school release. So she though we wont be able to go fetch him.( i and my hubby work 10am to 10pm even on weekend. We stay nearby school so we often let him go home himself if there a event.) But the form teacher never approach us or give us a form to inform that. So we can decide who to fetch him if really need. Just than, after call teacher A. My boy said: oh, that y form teacher never give me form. I feel so sad that he feel he is the only 1 teacher dun give him go for the camp. He feel release after heard what i conversation with the teacher A. Althought he keep said its ok. Because to naughty. I still feel so sad why the form teacher never ever want to let us know at first. Should i call the form teacher again? But i feel already cant do anything. And i scared if i voice out. My boy still need to be at the school for 1 more year. Is it i think too much?

18 Replies

VIP Member

This needs to be voiced out mummy! No matter what, teachers have to consult with the parents on things. Teacher's can't be the one deciding everything for our kids. Don't be afraid because your child has another year to go thru with the same teacher thus you are afraid to voice out. If now you don't voice out, what if there are more important events and the form teacher doesn't bother to inform you? It just mean that the form teacher has NO respect for you as a parent. Please call the form teacher to clarify. If the form teacher refuse to clarify or work with you. i believe there is a need to inform the principal on letting them know what is going on.

I love my P5 camp!!! 1) did ur boy happen to use ur name and inform the teacher "my parents don't allow me To go?" i remember no matter what school event need parents t explain n write letter to explain why the child is not allowed to go. Please verify with the form teacher! P5 they are old enough to inform parents what are all the events excursions etc, Teachers are not going t call parents one by one. I'm just curious why ur boy didn't tell u or mention anything about sch camp. It's like the event of the year. No offence but I know it's hard working 10-10 Everyday but do pay more attention to ur child, give him more attention.

I'll definitely voice out my concerns with his form teacher. It's always good to listen to the form teachers explanation instead from 3rd party or assumption. There could be a logical reason to it. Assuming if it's really the reason Teacher A mentioned, are you still keen to send your son to the camp? If you are, maybe you can ask the form teacher if he is allowed to join the camp. Personally, if I was you, and did not voice out, I'll probably feel terrible and have doubts about his form teacher moving forward. So I will approach the form teacher to clarify my doubts.

I dont think it has anything to do with being naughty. No matter what school will allow students to go for event unless parents dont let. I think your boy must have said something to the teacher. Why your boy never tell you got camp? He should have known beforehand mah. Possible that he say no one will be able to pick him up. Then teacher will reconfirm with him again before giving consent form. Do check his back for any consent form. Usually school need prove that parents dont allow. And yes school still must go even if never go for camp. Cos attendence.

I will be so annoyed and call up the principal office to demand an explanation. Feel that the teacher had discriminated your son! I will be so left out if the teacher didn't even bother to call my parents up or even send me the form to attend my camp. It's an once in a lifetime thing. There was once that I was late to bring my girl to sch and they went out for usually morning walk. I rather be even later for work and walk around my girl's sch to find her friends. Just to make sure she is not the only one left in her class.

Hi, I think just because your kid has one more year to go in the school doesn't mean that you will tolerate everything. I suggest, call the teacher and politely talk to her and tell her that you have a few doubts and it would be great f you both can talk it talk. If the teacher cooperates and addresses your concern, well and good, else, in my opinion, you should talk to the principal and let him know what is going on, and how the teacher is least bothered in informing the parents and have no explanation for what she is doing.

VIP Member

Oh dear, sorry that this has happened! I think that you should clarify with his form teacher about it - the actual reason this wasn't informed to you :) After which, see if your son would still like to go - and try to make arrangements as much as possible to let him join in! If the teacher is really at fault, I think you should firmly tell him/her (don't scold the teacher though!) that you should've been informed and he/she shouldn't have made assumptions - and get him/her to explain it to your son too.

i will call the teacher and insiste letting him go. my gal went last year too and she had alot fun. parents are invited to the camp too but i couldn't make it there. I will ask the teacher wads the reason den. i dun think becox he's naughty den they dun allow him there.

I would personally head down to school to speak with the teacher in person. If it is true that the teacher is at fault. I would surely voice out and not take it down. Afterall a kid is still a kid. Clarification is not wrong. Keep in mind to keep your cool dear.

this is discriminating!!😡😡 this would affect your kid emotionally!! no reaction from him doesnt mean he is not upset. i would call the teacher and write to them formally in black and white, copy the principle, DEMAND an explaination. if no reply, cc MOE.

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