6 Months Old Milestone
Hi, is it a concern that my 6 month old baby 1) cant hold her head steadily for long, 2)unable to sit upright on her own 3) only know how to turn to her side but not turn into crawling position?

Dont worry, different children have different developmental milestones. However you can do activities to help ur LO develop the skills. Place ur LO on tummy time more often
Every baby is different. Dun be stress. Check with doctor on your next appt. Tummy time is very important. Try to give more tummy time.
every child is diff...as long as the doc/nurses didnt highlight any concerns during the routine checks...dont worry too much
Nope. I know a 7 months child he turn only half of his body can't completely turn. Not even able to sit yet or even crawl
Hey mummy, every baby reach their milestone differently. Don't worry and don't worry about it. Don't stress yourself.
Not all babies hit their milestones at the same time. My son also did not crawl, he just started to walk.☺️
Do more tummy time. Try using a towel for baby to learn how to turn and strengthen muscles.
every baby reach their milestone @ diff time. don't worry ya. try to do more tummy time!
Sounds fine to me(: Do bring your baby to a pediatrician if you're worried
Just do more tummy time to help baby strengthen their muscles naturally