Baby drinks a lot
My baby is currently 21 days, both formula and breast fed baby. He drinks a lot 90ml 3 hrly. No puke or spit out. Have already asked his dr, said not to increase anymore but he turns cranky and wants more milk every time. Tried to replace with pacifier but he spit it out. Anyone encounter such things ? ??

At one week my girl drinks 80ml some says i was over feeding but the baby will push away when he or she is full,i think its fine especially if they pee and poo more need to drink more laa thats their only food😀
My baby is 12 days old also demand 80ml to 90ml same 3hr interv. I read online week 2 onwards their volume increase from 60ml to 90ml so I believe this is ok
Try not to give more as obesity can be complicated! But good that your baby has such a hearty appetite (:
Thts ok .. we hv to feed every couple of hrs.. may be due to growth sprout
Hmm I don't think 90ml is a lot. Mine was also like that at 3 weeks old.
I think it is fine for your baby. His is growing now..
He might be going through growth spurt.
Sounds like a v hungry baby...
I think it's fine
Mother of 1 superhero little heart throb