depression? or just tired
My baby is 1 month old but I'm having a hard time trying to cope with baby feeding and exclusively pumping. Yesterday baby woke up at 4am to feed half way and fall asleep. Woke up at 5am to feed again. Then I had to pump from 5-6am. Rested another 30 min and baby started crying for next feed. Half the night I couldnt sleep and wonder how am I going to cope with a new day ahead. At times I just wan to give up and leave, at times when I'm frustrated I man handled baby a little. I'm wondering am I just a bad mom, or am I depressed. Thinking of next pump that might coincide with baby next feed gives me so much anxiety. And I have been crying alot whenever I cant cope with pump + baby crying. Do I need help??

I’m an EP mum and went through the same. First things first - depression is normal and you should seek all the help you can get (in terms of helping out in baby caregiving as well as emotional support). Don’t ever feel like there’s something wrong with you or that you’re not a good mum. As for the night feeds, I did fixed intervals so it was every 3-4hours ie I wake baby up to drink milk if he doesn’t wake up by 4 hours. Husband takes the shift up till midnight, then I take over from there, meaning earliest feed duty for me is 3am. So, I will pump around 9pm, go to bed around 10-1030, wake up around midnight to 1am to pump (depending on whether I want to drag out my pumping interval). Then wake up at 4am, or earlier if baby wakes earlier, feed baby plus burp (yes can take up to 1 hr), then pump for 15min, then sleep. Then repeat 3-4 hrs later. In between, baby may fuss and I will put pacifier, pat pat or carry to put him back to sleep. In the day, try to sleep when baby naps. And even though everyone says this, it usually only means you get 1-1.5hr nap if you’re lucky, because you still need to eat, pump, have some me-time etc Jiayou!
Read moreHi dear, your schedule is so exhausting that it’s completely normal to feel the way you’re feeling. First of all, is there someone who can help you with feeding baby at night? Secondly, are you able to dream feed baby or wake baby up to finish the feed in one sitting so that you don’t have to split the feeding? Thirdly, does your pump have a stronger setting (if electric)? My pump can empty the breasts in 15 minutes, so that really helps save time and gives me more time to sleep. Please don’t feel that you’re a bad mum. I can already feel the love and dedication you have for your baby. But I do feel that you need some help. Both physically and emotionally. Who else is living with you?
Read moreWhat I did was not to pump when alone.. so anytime baby wan to drink, there is supply unless u have plenty.. I also only night time that few hrs has hub ard to look after but after 10pm it is back to me and baby.. if you just express out, don't force yourself, just feed formula.. dun stress yourself.. Night time 10+pm, I feed formula as it last longer so u can sleep, then ard 2+3am he will wake up wanting milk, as breastmilk digest faster.. You can do it..
Read moreHi mummy, join the FB breastfeeding mummies sg fb group if you haven’t. If you direct latch you might not need to pump out. The group can advise on the workaround schedule accordingly. Otherwise, we mothers know the day is long and the year is short. I had similar down time but hey suddenly my LO is already 2yo. Jiayou, mummy.
Read moreInitially it’s really v stressful but it will get better! Do ask for help as when u are too stressed then u ask for help, you might explode. Get little help here and there first before u burn out. Husband, your mum etc
I feel you. Lack of sleep can make me cry too but please do not manhandle your baby. Can you try seeking help from your spouse to carry and soothe your baby while you pump? Or try to direct latch and not pump?
Hi mummy, it's normal. I was holding my baby and crying a few times during that period of time too! JY! It will get better and better! You are doing great!
Hi mummy it's normal. Don't stress yourself so much you're just tired with the new life. Everything will be over soon!
It's normal! Hugs hugs. I had a hard time coping when I took care of baby myself during ml too.
You might be getting a bit depressed. Talk to your hubby or get some professional help.
Mum of 2 beautiful girls