Post natal depression

My in law is staying with me temporary. I feel even more stressed despite my hubby saying she is here to help. Every time baby cries, she will interfere. Last night baby poo and after that became hungry, so he cried. My mil woke up, took baby away and feed him instead. I really thinking I am going through depression. I am so scare of baby crying in the fear that my mil will step in again and take my baby away. I feel like I am a milk making machine instead of a mother. My husband keeps saying I think too much. But if I need help I will ask. Now I just want to spend more time before I return to work after maternity. I just want to learn to take care of baby myself. #firstbaby #advicepls

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Hi there mummy, i went through the same as u for my first born cos i was staying with in laws. i felt extreme possessiveness towards my baby. i think its rightly so cos ur baby is like a part of you. i was quite passive agressive, i would lock my room door when i dont want help. so if baby cry i would be the one attending myself. however its not a good communication method. best is if you let ur mil know u want to be the one looking after baby, and if u need help then u will let her know. i think she might feel awkward if baby cries and she ignores so u need to be clearer on ur expectations regarding baby care. Good luck!

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4y ago

dont take those small gestures too personally.. it can be a natural reaction from her, doesnt mean that she was blaming u. be confident in your own abilities as the mother. you are the only one who can play this role.. ur mil cannot take that away from u, no matter what she will just be grandma. 😄

How i wish i had that kind of help when i gave birth, i was so tired n depressed that i almost killed myself cause i couldnt take it. I took care of my baby 24hrs barely slept for 1 or 2 hours and husband did not help with anything.My parents couldnt help cause they are too old and my inlaws hv passed away. You should be grateful you have such a caring mil.

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please speak to your husband and your MIL (or get your husband to convey your message to MIL) let them know your thoughts and how you want them to help. most importantly you are NOT a milk machine, you are your baby’s mother!! you decide how you want to raise your baby.

your mil is helping you. maybe she want you have a rest in night when your baby need to feed. or you can tell you mil nicely said if ur bby cries in the night you want feed him. ☺️

Hi Mum, In such cases, it is best to share honestly and transparently with your husband on how are you feeling. I think this is perfectly okay