Anyone survived 1st month without confinement nanny? How did you manage?

I am planning to DIY confinement for my coming confinement. I checked with my friends who also DIY confinement and all of them feedback that it is very manageable, some tips shared from them: - if you have family member to cook for you, you can order pre-pack confinement herbs from either Hock Hua, New Baby, or Eu Yan Sang. It costs less than $300 for 28-day supplies. There are plenty of online confinement recipes to refer too to e.g. - if you do not have family member to cook for you, you can consider to cater confinement food. Natal Essentials Confinement Catering is highly recommended due to its food variety and tastiness. - For taking care of the newborn, during the initial days where your wound are still recovering, you can get your family member to bath, change diapers, washing, and etc. for baby. - Full latching also helps the mummy to attend to the newborn easily and reduce the time in pumping breastmilk. - If there is/are elder kid(s) in the house, you can let them help in some simple baby chores. You can plan simple art and craft or worksheets for them to entertain themselves.
Read moreI didn't hire a confinement nanny either. What I did was to book a 10 days post natal massage + 30 days confinement package that delivers everyday at about 12 to 1pm. I was so dead tired by the end of 1st week, got a little moody and depressed by the end of the 2nd week and thankfully my sister stepped in to help onwards because she saw the toll that was taking on me. If you are planning not hire a confinement nanny, be sure that you have someone around to relief you once in a while because it can get lonely and tiring and it's easy to feel helpess when you're all tired out with a crying hungry baby.
Read moreI didn't have a confinement nanny. It helps tremendously if your family members are very proactive in taking care of the baby. Here's what I did: - Confinement food delivery from Natal Essentials (28 day lunch & dinner) - 28 day Eu Yan Sang Confinement Herbal Package - Daifonai Herbal Bath It's not as bad as it sounds, IF your family members are helpful. Then again, I didn't adhere strictly to confinement rules and did whatever I wanted. I bathed once or twice a day, and was very proactive in taking care of my baby. I walked around a lot as well.
Read moreI didn't have one - my mum and mum-in-law took turns to stay over and help me adjust, learn, cook, bathe the baby.... and I had a helper to do the housework. The 3 of us looked after my baby, and with hubby doing his part in the evenings. I think if you are lucky to have enough helping hands (that don't clash), it can be done! I did have a massage lady come in for baby and me.
Read moreI didn't have confinement nanny, my Mother will come over for a few hours in the day time to help and bring my food over. The rest of the time I will handle myself including night feeds. Hb did not take the paternity leave all at one go. As we wanted to save them for LO jabs n checks instead. But he does help out the few hours he was at home
Read moreIf you can afford to, hire the help as you will be able to get sufficient rest during this period when your body is recuperating. This is especially so when you are a new parent and things can be overwhelming. Don’t forget you have the rest of your live to take care of your child yourself with no help! All the best!
Read moreIn my first two pregnancy I used confinement nanny - super regret as they cause me more stress. It's actually better to do it your own way. Just make sure hubby take his 2 weeks paternity leave and get part time maid to help with chores.
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I did everything on my own. no help from family or friends. neither can we afford any external help. Somehow I just managed. a step at a time. I mean, cannot also must do till can right?
I go thru confinement without nanny. mil cooked, but same s*** everyday. and she bathed my girl first 3 weeks. and mostly I do myself. actually not tht scary.