Is it possible to do confinement without a confinement nanny?
Mummies that did confinement without confinement nanny for first child/subsequent child, how did you cope? Not planning to engage one cos too expensive :(

Yes, it is possible. My husband was with me, and that helped a lot. If you’re okay to spend a little, see if you can order in food for the first month (whether confinement food (more ex) or normal tingkat/dishes), because cooking/washing dishes on top of caring for baby is very challenging if your baby’s the super alert type and doesn’t nap. Also, manage your expectations. Don’t expect everything to be perfect. It’s really okay if the house is a little messier or you haven’t mastered how to feed/put baby to sleep. It’s a learning journey. Try to enjoy the process, and ask for help if and when you need it. Don’t stress about feeding. If you’re breastfeeding, great! If you’re not, also great! If you don’t have enough breastmilk, just top up with formula.. baby will still be intelligent. And in fact, a fuller baby sleeps better and is happier. Breastmilk supply takes time to build up, and with enough fluids, nutrients and rest. So don’t stress out. Baby’s might be scared and insecure, so don’t stress out about baby crying a lot. Swaddle, cuddle, pat. Hold baby close. If possible, let baby sleep in the cot as early as possible, so that they learn to be independent, and so you can also sleep when baby sleeps. But if that proves difficult, don’t worry. There’s always another day to try letting baby master sleep. Remember to be proud of yourself... because this is a huge feat:) Remember that you’re recovering from labour too.. so do try not to overexert, and get rest whenever you can:)
Read moreTotally possible with the help/support of the husband. We did without a confinement lady for our first child and ordered confinement food catering. I tried to take naps when baby is asleep, wait for hb to be back from work so he could help with bathing baby, leave the housework with him too. When baby is a little bit older you can babywear and do what you need around the house
Read moreIf 1st one and totally no experience, it's better to have confinement nanny coz she can really helps to care for the baby while u resting and pumping milk. U need lots of rest to have milk... I have 1 for my 1st preg. Now 2nd one got helper so just gonna order confinement meals for most likely 6 weeks to boost my body constitution back
Read morePossible. But you need someone to help you. Alone you’ll feel super stressful especially if baby crying non stop. Just give birth recently , husband help me in the day time. Even there’s my husband help i feel so stressful alrdy.
Yes. I did not have confinement nanny for both my kids and ordered confinement food. My husband helped for 2 weeks and my mum dropped by periodically. Just ask for help when you need it and do not keep it to yourself. All the best!
Yes u can! Maybe can get confinement food instead cos honestly u won't have time to cook. Best if u can get your mum or MIL to help during the first month cos things are tough.
Is possible, do order confinement tingkat. Rest whenever baby is sleep, get hubby to help with the housework I find it more stressful with CN around
We ordered confinement food for lunch and dinner , my mother was there to help me with my baby
Yes, I've got confinement food with husband on parental leave for the first month!