Annoying MIL

Anyone else can't stand their Mother in law?

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Me!!!! She always nitpicking on what I do! Every single time. I wash the dishes, she never say anything, if my hubby wants to wash the dishes, she said I am lazy. If I vacuuming or mop the floor, she will do it after me, thinking I don't clean it enough 😒 it's honestly frustrating and she ALWAYS sticks her ears at my bedroom door just to kepo on me and my hubby talking, when obviously we can see her shadow below the door. And whenever it's about financial, she will keep secrets from me but demand from my hubby how much am earning every month so can ask for money 🙄 so I talked to my hubby that I wanted to stay with my mom instead and luckily he agrees. There will be times he will visit me at my mom's house, I don't even know if I ever want to go back to his house 😒

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5y ago

Yea my mil also goes into rage mode and pretend to be victim, pretend to cry but too bad not good at acting. Even her own son can see she is acting. LOLLLLLl

Actually before marriage I quite liked my husband's Mother. Found her nice and easy to talk to. After marriage, she start to nitpick on me- say I never help her in the kitchen, I expect her to serve me, I'm rude to my Husband, I'm rude to her, I didn't greet her, etc. Anyway, I remember she had a lot of complains about me when I was pregnant and when my no.1 was born. So slowly, I grew to dislike her alot and distance myself from her. Today I tell my hubby, if his parents got any complains about me, don't tell me. I don't want to know. It makes my life easier and happier. Now I'm pregnant with no.2, I feel I got phobia of her.. see her only I quite scared. I don't really talk to her.

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8y ago

I can feel you as I am in the same position. At least your husband side you by not telling you any complaint they made, my husband make apologies even he know i wasn’t the one at fault. His reason, they are my parents and they are so old already just give in as much as you can.

Me! My mil is the “kindest” woman in front of his Son. She never scold him at all but she make sure everyone know she is upset so that they will do the job for her. Our highest record at least 5 persons called my husband in the same day to tell him how “bad” he is while his mother said she respects his decision. The same method is applied to me too. I am always at high alert when she is around as I never know what I did wrong and ending up my husband getting load and load of calls from everyone telling us how bad I am except her.

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Speechless. She was alright before I was pregnant. Then become super friendly with us when I was expecting the first one. She started to comment and control lot things of my household when baby come out. Totally a control freak monster. Luckily my husband also find her annoying and try to stop her. Now I'm pregnant again and she is in good term with us again. Don't know what drama she going to act after baby come out. I hope she don't come so often. My baby is not her future tool. Haih.. God please bless me and babies

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VIP Member

Married for 14yrs & till now I can't UNDERSTAND MY MIL (She was the 1 when my hubby INTro to her as his Frend ask me to marry her son) START ALL WAS FINE UNTILL my SIS IN LAW add spice n vinegar to my MIL & totally I saw the satan in my MIL.... Even when I told her the news I was preggy her reaction was like "Oohhh ic ok lah so wat u wanna me to do? " now my cutie is 18mth ++ not even a single call fm her... Wonder what is WRONG WIF HER???

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I was neutral until my lo came along.. it was like my senses suddenly snapped and I found them (both mil n fil) unbearable. I wanted to have as little contact as possible but I know it’s unfair for my husband n sad to deprive my lo of his grandparents.. my Husband tried to mitigate so I try to compromise with him. every weekend, I could only bear and grin the short visit to their place.

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4y ago

is it always having this problem once give birth to LO. i also facing the same problem. all changes once give birth🤦‍♀️

Mine!! Before marriage i thot she was ok. after married found out she is a wayang queen. She will throw away whatever things my mum bought (or try to find an excuse to get rid of it). She will create scenarios that did not happen and spread untruths to her friends and s***. I HATE HER!!!

I wish I don’t stay in the same roof as them. I felt annoyed. Whenever I am trying to cook she will interrupt saying don’t do this, why make it so troublesome, add this not healthy. Or even kept saying I keep using phone! Her nagging was intolerable

Before marriage everything is ok. After marriage she keep talks about my hubby ex-gf infront of me (and only when my hubby not around)... She will be helping me on my confinement month. Hopefully I can have a safe and smooth confinement month.

My mil accuses me of stealing, try to butt her nose in our business all the time, try to dress herself and my lo in matching outfits, try to give unsolicited advices, etc etc etc