Zz habits
About what best time for little one to sleep n wake up daily?

Best time is 8 to 7am .. but my kid was more playful i nt time becoz of his dad he always come home at 7++ n he wants to play hence he sleeps at 10 then wakes up at 8.. n again he sleeping in the aftn for couple of hours after school
I think there isn't any best time to follows as different family have their habit. For me I will put my son to sleep before 9pm and he will naturally wake up before 7:30am
Can’t say it’s the best coz all babies and family timing are different.. We put our girl to sleep around 8.30pm-9pm and wakes up 7-8am.
Depending on what age I Guess For my daughter 18m I feel best to sleep at 8pm and wake up at 7-8am
Hi... I put my toddler to bed at 8pm and he’ll wake up for first feeding around 6.30am
Best time imo for lo to sleep would be anytime before 930, wake up before 8..
My 9 mth old will sleep by 830pm and will wakes up at 630am to 7am
By 8pm and she wakes up by 7am or even earlier (:
Mine sleeps at 8.30 Pm and wakes up at 7
Slp around 9plus.. Wake up around 8...