11 Replies

VIP Member

Oh dear, thankfully he's okay! Don't beat yourself over it, kids fall and bruise themselves all the time - so you don't have to worry too much :) The blue black should go away in a few days, as long as he's still happy and active it's fine! On a side note, you may want to consider getting another alternative since he's able to climb out of the baby cot himself now - it could be dangerous with or without supervision :)

VIP Member

Ice first before using a boiled egg to rub on bruised area. Do monitor your child closely to see if there is any other symptoms such as vomiting or fever. Don't take it too hard! Unforseen circumstances do happen. Just a suggestion to have floor mat around the cot so to minimize the impact in case.

Oh dear, agree with the other mummy, but do be careful with the use of Zambuk as it's not meant for children under the age of 2. Try Vicks baby balsam instead. Don't feel guilty, it's not your fault that he fell...

VIP Member

monitor if there is any symptoms like vomitting. it will go away and i dont advise any thing to be applied. a warm hard boiled egg rubbing on his face might be a good solution by elders

the blue black will go away after a few days. apply some hot compress to deswell it. don't feel guilty mama. it's normal and every parents also experience this before

VIP Member

Apply cold compress first to prevent swelling. Now it's been awhile, use hot compress for it. It's normal for baby to fall. Don't blame yourself too hard. (:

Oh my how's your baby doing? I hope its nothing serious. Like all the mummies say, babies fall often so its not your fault that you went for a short bath.

Use cold compress you can find it at guardian n apply arnicare gel it's from herb n essential extract my boy been using non greasy n fast recover...

Mummy you can try to apply a little bit of zam-buk medicated ointment or you can apply hirudoid cream.

Firstly it's okay. It happens. Yes use zambuk and also keep him under close supervision.

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