5 weeks pregnant,
Yesterday I when to do some scan, but doc said that she cannot see the baby, its that possible to early scan so see the baby? I might be prgnant for 5weeks based on my calculation my last period.

Dont worry sis..sy aritu pegi klinik nk confirmkn pregnant ke tak, then doc cakap dh 5 weeks tp bila scan x nampak..then 2 weeks later datang lg doc nk scan & nk confirmkn due date..time ni baru nampak..sblom pegi scan tu pastikn tahan kencing..mcm sy pundi kencing kecik sebab tu mse 1st time scan tu x nampak, then doc suruh tahan kencing mse 2nd scan tu..dont worry insyallah baby ada cuma kecik x nampak lagi😘😘..
Baca lagimaybe the baby is too tiny or the time u r scanning, ur tummy is empty. i was ordered to drink more water so that my baby might float a lil bit higher. as u can see, my 7 weeks baby is in the pink circle. too tiny.. So maybe your will be smaller than mine so the Dr cant detect it. keep calm.. in sha Allah nothing to worry about. next scan usually on your 9-13 weeks.. im on my 33 weeks already.. 😊
Baca lagiwhat does ur pregnancy test indicate? if its positive then congratulation. this was my 7 weeks scan. as u can see its only a sac. i got my 2nd scan at 11 weeks and as u can see the baby is already there. sometimes they just like playing hide and seek.😅 here's a tip. before going for a scan, make sure u have a full bladder as it will be much clear
Baca lagiYes my test was positive. Mybe its truth mybe my baby is small, mybe need to scan mybe after 8weeks, thanks for the information ya 😘
Same like me. I was 6 weeks that time the doc said didnt see anything as he assumed that i might not being pregnant. It really breaks my heart. Two weeks later i went to another clinic(as i’m not satistfied)for scan and already saw my little baby with a heartbeat. Dont think too much. Just enjoy your pregnancy journey! 😉
Baca lagiThank you ya, take care too
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We are in the same shoes. A week after, i went to another scan with diff clinic. Then, i see tiny bean just 0.89cm long. No worries my dear. Soon you gonna see it . Takecare
Don't worry sis.. mine at 7week just only see the sac. Just continue taking folic acid and take a good care of yourself before next appoinment.
Same Wif me... So dr. Sru dtg lg bbrpa mnggu for check so that tme i cn see my baby but still small...Ahha...
Hoping for a child