My wife spends more time with my kids than me and hence my kids are closer to her. They share everything with her but not me. This hurts me at times and I feel that they are drifting away from me. Please suggest me how do I avoid this.

Hey Daddy! Try to get involved and take the initiative to take part in the activities along with them. Volunteer yourself with a smile. Spend more quality rather then quantity with both your wife and kids. Aside to you and your wife, perhaps you can suggest activities which are free, such as taking a stroll, going to a park or even whipping up dinner with everyone. It may turn out to be a mess, results are not as important as the experience. In time, everything will fall in place. Try it out. Thats what my husband did, there was even a period of time when i was left out. And i had to out in extra efforts to get back in the circle. Also i spoke to my husband and told him how i felt. Worked for me and i hope it would for you too. All the best, stay strong daddy!
Read moreThis is most likely in your head, and it's pretty common. Suggest you find inclusive family things to do - such as go the SG Carnival, a family walk and icecream (where you treat the family) around Botanic Gardens, or maybe lunch at a family friendly cafe. You could also just take the kids out without the wife for a while - even if just to the park or to the movies. They will get to spend quality time with Daddy, while also giving mummy a break. Try this for a couple of months and see if this changes your opinion, and then report back to us so we know if this helped?
Read morehey hey, don't lose steam! Try not to focus on that fact. Start to pay more attention to your kids, what they like to do, the little things about them, and then create activities or moments around that. If you have to, speak with your wife and see if there's any way you can help around with the kids, even if it's doing the chores together. Cheers and hope everything works out.
Read moretry to get involve with them or make sure to make time, make a conversation during dinner or anytime of the day with them so they will feel that you want to join their company. you can also talk to your wife so your wife will give time for you and your kids. as for me I give time for my husband and daughter for playing and many more and we have time together as a family too.
Read moredaddy dear....maybe ul take this opportunity to plan ur time better and spend it with ur kids. if weekdays are difficult then try weekends. the reason ur kids are getting close to ur wife is because she spends more time and hence is more aware of what's going on in their life and understands them better
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Spend time with family and must spend quality time get involve in day to day tasks small ones also with kids. Go out with them for play, school etc to get involved more with them slowly they will start to treat you well and basic human needs will be justified so you guys will have a healthy relation.
Read moreI too experience the same thing as you. Its quite painful. My wife seems to be the one who apparently suffers and is in need of ‘more reassurance and emotional support’. I am actually the more affectionate person of the 2. Alienated my heart gently weeps as time progresses.
Read moreIt is not correct way to think that kids are more favorable to their mom. Father need to connect each time to kids wherein needed. so playing, study are two most common topics to connect with kids. Pls try to involve with them via two topics.
Reflect and assess yourself. Do you spend time with them as much as your wifey does? Do you talk with them from time to time? Do you have a me time, a wife time, a kids time and a family time in your week? Have you asked yourself?
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