telling your boss
When did you tell your boss that you are pregnant?

I switched jobs and happened to know that I am pregnant just the day (about 5weeks) before my pre-employment medical check. So I told my new boss immediately and thank God he was super understanding about it!
Depends on company culture.. there are some sme out there, once they know employee is pregnant, they will try to chop 😂
Should tell it as soon as possible...because you might need to schedule a lot of gynae visits during weekdays
I told them at week 9, as my job was quite a demanding one, i figured best to let them know asap.
I'm a preschool teacher so I told immediately once I've confirmed with the doctor.
Depends on how close you are to boss But after 1st trimester for me
As soon as I found out because I need to apply leave to visit gynae
11 weeks. Dues to the frequent mc, no choice have to tell my boss
as soon as I found out... But I told her not to share with anyone
After the 1st trimester, when things are more or less confirmed