Nausea and vomiting, no appetite
Hi All , I'm at week 8 now . My nausea and vomiting are getting worse. And don't really have appetite at times. How do you guys cope with really bad nausea and vomiting especially when you still have to work? And also when you are not telling your colleagues and boss that you are pregnant ?

I am trying to eat something (a fruit or something light) every two hours along with meals and meals are definitely lighter since appetite is kinda lost. Take rest in between work if you can (as lying down makes me feel better). I know it is tough to keep a straight face in front of colleagues despite feeling so worst inside, but just make up something for now. They would understand when you break the news.
Read moreplain crackers. I told my boss and superboss at work. cos life is life la not like i dun say now I'm any less pregnant I didnt believe in the first trimester thing. if anything happens I would want them to know why I'm sad too. need their grace if I'm going to be more tired.
My first pregnancy the same. Chewing gum works wonders for me! Also, any kind of fruity candy helps too! Also, always wake up with a biscuit beside your bed. Dry snacks keeps your nausea away. I was hiding my pregnancy till i was 5th mth. Hope this helps.
I always have bad nausea in the evening to night time which makes me hard to sleep. Recently bought pregnancy milk and drink it every night before i sleep, it really helps me a lot. Maybe you can try? 😬
First time mama