12 Replies

Hi! For a newborn, it's generally recommended to have at least 6-8 bottles on hand to ensure you always have a clean one ready. You might want to get a few more, especially if you won't be able to wash them immediately after each use. Your current Dr. Brown's bottles are a great start, but having a few extra can make things a bit easier.Read https://medium.com/@zulkaifrana52/discover-the-best-baby-bottles-for-breastfed-babies-an-in-depth-review-05eefe13d7b5

Super Mum

Will you be breastfeeding as well? Or purely doing bottle feeding? If it’s the latter, I think 3’s not enough because you’ll still need to wash and accumulate a few before you sterilise them for the next use. My LO has 1-2 bottle feeds a day (direct latching for the rest), so 3 bottles is enough.

I bought 8 bottles of 125ml natural avent philips. (Comes in a set with the bigger bottles. so i grab it) 4 to be place at my mums hse, 4 at mine. Haha.. cos im sending baby over to mums place after maternity.. dont want to bring bottles here n there..

Super Mum

Should be enough. Have to see whether your newborn is used to the bottles first before getting more. Some NBs are more fussy with bottles. So it's a trial and error :)

I am using 2 slow teat bottles for my NB, have another 2 medium flow ones on standby. On mixed feed and it's been ok so far; we use steriliser v often in a day.

We bought Philips Avent stater kit set as a start. My wife also bought 2x Pigeon bottles later on as well.

2 feeding bottles, washed and steralized after each feed


I had about 2! Then the rest were storage for bm.

VIP Member

No need so many bottles...they outgrow very fast

VIP Member

I think 6 or got to keep sterilising

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