Milk bottle
Can I use back my no. 1 baby’s milk bottles or buy completely new milk bottles for my no.2 baby?

unless its glass bottles (but please change the teats). else, for plastic bottles, we need to change every 6 - 8 months, or if you see sign of yellowing or scratches...
completely new bottles... bottles should be replaced once at least 3months or max 6months depending on the material...
It depends how old your first child is. IMO, it's best to have a fresh batch of bottles for your second child
Unless it's glass bottles, then you can just buy new teats, else please buy new sets of bottles
Hi... use new bottles as it is recommended that we replace milk bottles every 6 to 8 months
Should use a new one. It is advisable to change bottles every 2 to 3 months :)
Milk bottles from #1 can be trade in during baby fair. Dont throw them away
new better has recommend to change every 6months/turns yellowish
I would get everything new as ita all about hygiene.
Prefer to get new bottles for baby number 2