morning sickness
usually when does morning sickness end? i am in wk12 but still feel nauseous in the evening and can't eat during dinner.

I'm entering 14 weeks and still having the symptoms. But it's gradually getting better than last couple of months. Hang in there
It depends... some ppl experience it on n off, some would experience throughout pregnancy. All the best to u
It depends. I have heard mummies have it thru out the whole pregnancy. But most end by end of 3rd or 4th month.
I'm going onto my 5th month and the nausea is still there, together with back pains, my appetite has gotten better though, hopefully this feeling goes away soon.
If u are fortunate, it will go away gradually. Just hang in there!
Could go into mid second trimester, hang in there!
Mine started on week14 Previously no morning sickness
Mine ended ard w20 :/ hang in there
Just hang on.. one day it will just be gone
After trimester 1
mine end at 2nd tri
I see. Thanks.
Excited to become a mum