Understand that the recommended average sleeping hours for 3mths old baby is approx 15hours. While my son can sleep in his cot at night, he needs to be carried to sleep in the day time. If not, he won't sleep at all.. It's creating a hassle since the adults can't do anything else other than carrying him to sleep.. I am exploring the option of getting a yao lan for baby. In honest opinion, which best alternative should I go for: (1) intro yao lan, (2) continue to carry him to sleep, (3) CIO method - leave him in the cot and crying it out? anxious about the no.of hours sleeping he is getting..

At this stage, lo is consider in their 4th trimester. They r just feeling insecure and still wanting to be cuddled like they r in our tummy so nothing to be worried about, it wont turn into a habit for good. They will outgrow this phase and soon u will miss cuddling them when they grow up. That being said, understand that the adults need to do their chores. I had the exact same experience when my lo is 2-3mths+ but she has finally outgrow it. I tried the following: 1. Take turns to carry if possible 2. To know when they r sound asleep, when their fists r relaxed else they r still aware of the surroundings. If they r asleep, slowly put them down either swaddle or put them sleeping on their side to mimic the cuddling. Even for a 5mins on the bed, it's an achievement! 3. Babywear, it is the best invention isn't it. You can free ur hands and have ur me-time while keeping them by ur side I wouldn't recommend yaolan coz they might get addicted to it and i have friends whose kids will need yaolan whenever they r out for eg. staycation and it can be quite a hassle to coax them to sleep outside while i have friends who cope well with it. But it is up to individual and always remember all lo r different and unique. I chose not to use yaolan after i found out about 4th trimester and their needs, its a bonding session i feel. Lastly, have lotsa patience especially now coz we will be mentally and physically tired. Trust me, it's all worthwhile when they outgrow the phase and sleep on their own.
Read moreCarry him to sleep is a bad choice, as baby will get used to it. And hence that where the yao lan came in. If u need it, i will say go ahead. A parents need a good rest so they can look after baby well again later when they wake up and not fall into depression after getting all the cries from baby without getting a help for proper rest. CIO : how heartless can you be? Does your baby scream through your ears? Can you endure marathon crying? I have friends using yao lan till now (3 years old) i can say, it's peace to her and the caregiver. And he is growing up Well too. Anyway you are using for afternoon only, and baby is fine with cot at night, hence baby don't sleep that long in it (like throughout the night) and you don't need to scare how to transit him to cot at night also. If your baby sleep through the night, let say 9pm till 7pm , it's already 10 hours, so the rest will be in between nap. It's easily hit More than 15 hours. Don't worry about how long they sleep, it's the quality of the nap they have, if they have a good one, they won't be cranky after wAke up and more easy to look after. If quality is no good, baby will crank Non-stop till the next nap.
Read moreSame with my 2-month-old. She sleeps by herself at night but during the day is so challenging. I have to put her in a carrier so I can do other stuff while she’s resting in it. If they don’t get enough sleep during the day, it could lead to over tiring at night and it’ll be even harder for them to sleep through the night. By the way, letting the baby cry it out at this age won’t work just yet. You should wait at least until 6 months old. Anyway, I have read many articles and they said it’s normal for babies to be clingy at this early age but it will get better. So give them love and attention as they need, it won’t harm them but it’ll instead help them to be more independent later. On the other hand, let them cry for a long period of time will affect them negatively.
Read moreI carry my son about 10-20mins to soothe him to sleep. Sometimes 30mins max, if he doesn't slp i will let him lie in the cot for awhile, normally 30-60mins not crying of cos. Entertaining him w some toys or let him listen some songs. When he's more tired i will carry him again. He will fall asleep pretty fast. Sometimes they are just not tired enough. I make it a point not to carry to long. I will tell him i am tired and can't carry so long. Now he is 10months + he is able to slp on his own once i put him in bed w pacifier and pillow and say go to slp. Takes abt 10mins tossing and he will be sound asleep
Read moreMy baby is 10 weeks old and we have been taking turns to carry her to sleep when my hubby is at home otherwise I have to keep carrying her. Same, at night she sleeps fine it's just day time. Recently started to train her by putting her down in her cot, talking to her letting her watch her mobile till tired. I will observe her tired cues like fussing and eating her hand and give her pacifier and pat her. Just need to be patient and not carry her when she toss n turn n make noise. Eventually when she dozed off she will spit out the pacifier, usually that means she in deep sleep.
Read moreLeave him in the cot for little longer but if he continue to cry I suggest you get Yao lan for him. Your situation I encountered before and insist against Yao lan but after 2 weeks I tried ways and I feel tired unable to sleep well so my family and friends suggested to intro Yao lan as they will more feel secure and able to sleep making me easier to do my stuff. And place his bean pillow together to make him feel safe and will not get "scare" easily.
Read moreSorry if my suggestion is going to hurt but none of the above. Why don't you get a ringsling/ssc - babywear to sleep instead and then slowly transfer to cot? I'm a sahm with no help so at times I babywear her and as soon as she fall into a deep sleep, I put her down. It might be difficult the first few times but your baby is still young, can change her sleeping pattern. Most of the time I latch her to sleep..
Read moreMy son is now 3 days away from turning 3 months and he's exactly the same, if he's not in your arms he won't sleep and as soon as I put him down when he's asleep he won't sleep for long... Even as i speak he's throwing a hissy fit because I put him down. They do tend to sleep a lot as they develop and grow while sleeping. It's extremely exhausting, and to make matters worse my son is a colicky baby as well...
Read moreI chose option 2 because I am dead against the other two options. My brother fell from a yao lan and the thing broke so the metal frame narrowly missed his head. Till today my mom remembers the incident vividly. I also don't believe in CIO as it breaks trust. They grow out of it. We no longer need to carry him to sleep and now all he needs is a pacifier and bolster during nap time
Read moreMy son is almost 6months when he was younger about 3months he cannot sleep well during the day so my hubby bought a swing and this help him have a good napping time during the day. Sometimes I lived him in cot and he make himself feel asleep I just make sure he is full and had a burp after he cries for while then to my surprise he already sleeping.
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